I have a few more questions on customizing the cart and checkout pages.
1) When I click on “view my cart” dialog at the bottom of the mini cart summary, it takes me to the Store Admin page (I’m logged in as Admin) and not to the “My Account / Cart” page. I assume this is not the expected behavior.
2) Can we suppress the coupon code dialogs and the discount line? How?
3) In “My Account / Cart” page; at the shipping estimate line, there is a “?” when moused over produces a pop-up. Can we edit the text in the pop-up? How?
4) Can text be added above the “proceed to checkout” button? How?
My client would like to add this statement;
“In order to provide you with the best service, pricing and security we manually process all orders. We will contact you to confirm the order total, including shipping and tax (if applicable). At that time you can provide payment information. All orders must be paid in full prior to shipping.”
5) Can the text “Place order into quote moderation queue” be altered to something like “Place order in processing queue”? I suspect that US customers may be somewhat confused by your terminology.
6) Right now, under shipping, there is a dropdown menu with one choice (Standard) available. Can we suppress that menu.
Thanks for your time