I'm moving to Azure and unfortunately Catalook will not be able to make the move with me.
For that reason I'm evaluating Cart Viper. I've searched the manual and these forums but I'm not seeing how to handle products with multiple packages. Most of our products are comprised of 2-8 boxes. In catalook, it wasn't exactly convenient in that I had to make a product for each box, then bundle them into a single price. It then handled adding and removing them as a group from the cart, etc.
Can someone please point me in the correct direction.
As an FYI for anyone else who comes across this, I also tried Revindex and Smith Cart.
Smith cart has some of the same bugs that it had 2 years ago when I evaluated it and reported them, so : dismissed.
Revindex can handle this concept with what it calle required products. However, it has a bug where it does not properly remove the items from the cart as a group despite the fact that it adds them as a group.
I'm hopeful that this group has thought through these scenarios a bit better and I simply am missing a key tidbit of knowledge.